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Made for the modern nomad.codebeans

Made for the modern nomad.


Mobile Application Development has certainly turned as one of the demanding needs in the IT market and it shows how rapidly the smartphone industry is enhancing its growth and development. We are into this field since years and hence, we keep a close watch on the regular advancements.
most server side code are written inside individual web pages. For example, if a web page contains an input form, the web page typically contains server code for reading the data.

However, by creating a page named _AppStart in the root of your site, you can have startup code executed before the site starts. If this page exists, ASP.NET runs it the first time any page in the site is requested.
Typical use for _AppStart is startup code and initialization of global values like counters and global names.

A model represents the state of a particular aspect of the application. A controller handles interactions and updates the model to reflect a change in state of the application, and then passes information to the view. A view accepts necessary information from the controller and renders a user interface to display that information