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Photo: With the death of Windows XP, now is the perfect time to switch to Linux
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If you’re one of the few hundred million people that are still using Windows XP, I have a suggestion for you: It’s time to switch to make the switch to Linux. With the official retirement of Windows XP, the release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and surprisingly healthy software and gaming ecosystems (yay, Steam!), there has never been a better time to switch to Linux. Linux will also run very well on any old, Windows XP-era hardware that you might still be using, too — and if you’re anxious that you’ll be filled with switchers remorse after nuking your Windows installation, don’t worry: dual-booting is a cinch as well.
With the death of Windows XP, now is the perfect time to switch to Linux
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If you’re one of the few hundred million people that are still using Windows XP, I have a suggestion for you: It’s time to switch... See More

1 comment:

  1. this post is too good
